Hi everyone, One of the issue that we recently ran into was the fact that there was some inconsistency about merging retirement of repositories inside governance without the code being fully removed. In order to avoid this, I've made a change to our governance repository which will enforce that no code exists in those retired repositories, however, this has surfaced that some repositories were retired with some stale files, some are smaller littler files, some are entire projects still. I have compiled a list for every team, with the repos that are not properly retired that have extra files (using this change which should eventually +1 once we fix it all: https://review.opendev.org/669549) [Documentation] openstack/api-site has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, .zuul.yaml, LICENSE, api-quick-start, api-ref, bindep.txt, common, doc-tools-check-languages.conf, firstapp, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini, www [Documentation] openstack/faafo has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, CONTRIBUTING.rst, LICENSE, Vagrantfile, bin, contrib, doc, etc, faafo, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-agent has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, cloud-init-templates, contrib, debian, etc, fuel_agent, requirements.txt, run_tests.sh, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-astute has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, .rspec, .ruby-version, Gemfile, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, Rakefile, astute.gemspec, astute.service, astute.sysconfig, bin, bindep.txt, debian, examples, lib, mcagents, run_tests.sh, spec, specs, tests [fuel] openstack/fuel-library has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, CHANGELOG, Gemfile, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, Rakefile, debian, deployment, files, graphs, logs, specs, tests, utils [fuel] openstack/fuel-main has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, 00-debmirror.patch, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, Makefile, config.mk, fuel-release, iso, mirror, packages, prepare-build-env.sh, report-changelog.sh, repos.mk, requirements-fuel-rpm.txt, requirements-rpm.txt, rules.mk, sandbox.mk, specs [fuel] openstack/fuel-menu has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, fuelmenu, run_tests.sh, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-mirror has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, .mailmap, MAINTAINERS, perestroika, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-nailgun-agent has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, Gemfile, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, Rakefile, agent, debian, nailgun-agent.cron, nailgun-agent.gemspec, run_tests.sh, specs [fuel] openstack/fuel-ostf has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, etc, fuel_health, fuel_plugin, ostf.service, pylintrc, requirements.txt, run_tests.sh, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-qa has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .pylintrc, .pylintrc_gerrit, MAINTAINERS, core, doc, fuel_tests, fuelweb_test, gates_tests, packages_tests, pytest.ini, run_system_test.py, run_tests.sh, system_test, tox.ini, utils [fuel] openstack/fuel-ui has extra files, please remove: .eslintignore, .eslintrc.yaml, .gitignore, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, fixtures, gulp, gulpfile.js, karma.config.js, npm-shrinkwrap.json, package.json, run_real_plugin_tests.sh, run_real_plugin_tests_on_real_nailgun.sh, run_ui_func_tests.sh, specs, static, webpack.config.js [fuel] openstack/fuel-virtualbox has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, MAINTAINERS, actions, clean.sh, config.sh, contrib, drivers, dumpkeys.cache, functions, iso, launch.sh, launch_16GB.sh, launch_8GB.sh [fuel] openstack/fuel-web has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, bin, build_docs.sh, debian, docs, nailgun, run_tests.sh, specs, systemd, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/shotgun has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .testr.conf, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, bin, etc, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, shotgun, specs, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-dev-tools has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, .testr.conf, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, babel.cfg, contrib, doc, fuel_dev_tools, openstack-common.conf, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini, vagrant [fuel] openstack/fuel-devops has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .pylintrc, .pylintrc_gerrit, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, bin, devops, doc, run_tests.sh, samples, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-docs has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, Makefile, _images, _templates, common_conf.py, conf.py, devdocs, examples, glossary, index.rst, make.bat, plugindocs, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, tox.ini, userdocs [fuel] openstack/fuel-nailgun-extension-cluster-upgrade has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, AUTHORS, LICENSE, MANIFEST.in, bindep.txt, cluster_upgrade, conftest.py, nailgun-test-settings.yaml, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-nailgun-extension-iac has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, LICENSE, MANIFEST.in, doc, fuel_external_git, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-nailgun-extension-converted-serializers has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, LICENSE, MANIFEST.in, bindep.txt, conftest.py, converted_serializers, nailgun-test-settings.yaml, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-octane has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, Rakefile, bindep.txt, deploy, deployment, docs, misc, octane, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-upgrade has extra files, please remove: .gitignore [fuel] openstack/tuning-box has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, .testr.conf, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, TODO, alembic.ini, babel.cfg, bindep.txt, doc, examples, openstack-common.conf, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini, tuning_box [fuel] openstack/fuel-plugins has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, CHANGELOG.md, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, examples, fuel_plugin_builder, requirements.txt, run_tests.sh, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-plugin-murano has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, LICENSE, components.yaml, deployment_scripts, deployment_tasks.yaml, docs, environment_config.yaml, functions.sh, metadata.yaml, node_roles.yaml, pre_build_hook, releasenotes, repositories, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini, volumes.yaml [fuel] openstack/fuel-plugin-murano-tests has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, murano_plugin_tests, openrc.default, requirements.txt, tox.ini, utils [fuel] openstack/fuel-specs has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, .testr.conf, LICENSE, doc, images, policy, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, tests, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/fuel-stats has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, LICENSE, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, analytics, collector, migration, requirements.txt, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [fuel] openstack/python-fuelclient has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, .testr.conf, MAINTAINERS, MANIFEST.in, fuelclient, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [Infrastructure] opendev/puppet-releasestatus has extra files, please remove: .gitignore [ironic] openstack/python-dracclient has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, doc, dracclient, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [neutron] openstack/networking-calico has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, .testr.conf, .zuul.yaml, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MANIFEST.in, RELEASING.md, babel.cfg, debian, devstack, doc, networking_calico, playbooks, requirements.txt, rpm, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [neutron] openstack/networking-l2gw has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .testr.conf, .zuul.yaml, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MANIFEST.in, babel.cfg, bindep.txt, contrib, debian, devstack, doc, etc, lower-constraints.txt, networking_l2gw, openstack-common.conf, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, specs, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [neutron] openstack/networking-l2gw-tempest-plugin has extra files, please remove: .gitignore, .zuul.yaml, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, babel.cfg, contrib, doc, networking_l2gw_tempest_plugin, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini [neutron] openstack/networking-onos has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, .pylintrc, .testr.conf, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, PKG-INFO, TESTING.rst, babel.cfg, devstack, doc, etc, lower-constraints.txt, networking_onos, package, rally-jobs, releasenotes, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [neutron] openstack/neutron-vpnaas has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, .pylintrc, .stestr.conf, .zuul.yaml, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, TESTING.rst, babel.cfg, devstack, doc, etc, lower-constraints.txt, neutron_vpnaas, playbooks, rally-jobs, releasenotes, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, test-requirements.txt, tools, tox.ini [OpenStack Charms] openstack/charm-ceph has extra files, please remove: .gitignore [OpenStackAnsible] openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca has extra files, please remove: tests, tox.ini [solum] openstack/solum-infra-guestagent has extra files, please remove: .coveragerc, .gitignore, .mailmap, .testr.conf, CONTRIBUTING.rst, HACKING.rst, LICENSE, MANIFEST.in, babel.cfg, config-generator, doc, etc, requirements.txt, setup.cfg, setup.py, solum_guestagent, test-requirements.txt, tox.ini I'd like to kindly ask the affected teams to help out with this, or any member of our community is more than welcome to push a change to those repos and work with the appropriate teams to help land it. Mohammed -- Mohammed Naser — vexxhost ----------------------------------------------------- D. 514-316-8872 D. 800-910-1726 ext. 200 E. mnaser@vexxhost.com W. http://vexxhost.com