On 2021-01-20 07:26:05 +0000 (+0000), Lucian Petrut wrote:
For Windows related projects such as os-win and networking-hyperv, we decided to keep the lower constraints job but remove indirect dependencies from the lower-constraints.txt file.
This made it much easier to maintain and it allows us to at least cover direct dependencies. I suggest considering this approach instead of completely dropping the lower constraints job, whenever possible. Another option might be to make it non-voting while it’s getting fixed. [...]
The fewer dependencies a project has, the easier this becomes. I'm not against projects continuing to do it if they can get it to work, but wouldn't want us to pressure folks to spend undue effort on it when they already have a lot more on their plates. I can understand where for projects with a very large set of direct dependencies this still has the problem that your stated minimums may conflict with (semi-circular) dependencies declared elsewhere in the transitive dependency set outside your lower-constraints.txt/requirements.txt file. -- Jeremy Stanley