OSA already dropped the 'nova-consoleauth' service with this patch [1].
It was also backported to stein, so since rocky we do not deploy it anymore.
But still thanks for the notification.
[1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/649202/
24.05.2019, 14:16, "Stephen Finucane" <sfinucan@redhat.com>:
> In my continued efforts to remove as much nova code as possible in one
> cycle, I've set my sights on the 'nova-consoleauth' service. Since
> Rocky [1], 'nova-consoleauth' is no longer needed and we now store and
> retrieve tokens from the database. The only reason to still deploy
> 'nova-consoleauth' was to support cells v1 or to provide a window where
> existing tokens could continue to be validated before everything
> switched over to the new model, but we're also in the process of
> removing cells v1 [2] and two cycles in quite a large window in which
> to migrate things.
> I've the work done from the nova side but before we can merge anything,
> we need to remove support for nova-consoleauth from the various
> deployment projects and anything else that relies on it at the moment.
> I have talked to some folks internally about doing this in TripleO this
> cycle and I have a (likely wrong) patch proposed against Kolla [3] for
> this, but I haven't been able to figure out how/if OSA are deploying
> the service and would appreciate some help here. I'd also like it if
> people could let me know if there are any other potential blockers out
> there that we should be aware of before we proceed with this.
> Cheers,
> Stephen
> [1] https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/rocky/implemented/convert-consoles-to-objects.html
> [2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/remove-cells-v1/
> [3] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/661251/
Kind Regards,
Dmitriy Rabotyagov