Are you getting anything from the neutron endpoint?

Can you provide an "openstack server show $server_id" of the VM? I wonder if it's a case of boot from a volume VM missing that data. It would not explain why the port is not there though.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 9:15 AM Ahmed Abdelhamid <> wrote:
Hi All,

I am running into a strange issue with the metadata service. Per metadata-service manual, the devices attached to a VM should be visible inĀ 

$ curl

However, whenever i execute it from a VM , the devices array is empty and looks like this, any idea why ?


   "random_seed": "yu5ZnkqF2CqnDZVAfZgarG...",
   "availability_zone": "nova",
   "keys": [
         "data": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...== Generated by Nova\n",
         "type": "ssh",
         "name": "mykey"
   "hostname": "test.novalocal",
   "launch_index": 0,
   "meta": {
      "priority": "low",
      "role": "webserver"
   "devices": [ ],
   "project_id": "f7ac731cc11f40efbc03a9f9e1d1d21f",
   "public_keys": {
       "mykey": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...== Generated by Nova\n"
   "name": "test"