Hi,last meeting was pretty short and only 2 participants due to holidays, so I think we can discuss this week the same agenda. I remind that we agreed to move ansible modules after 13 January.- what is the best strategy for freezing current modules in Ansible? Because a few patches were merged just recently [1] Seems like "freezing" doesn't really work.- python versions support in modules- keeping history when moving modulesand other topics [2]Please add your questions to "Open discussion" section if there are some.ThanksOn Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:00 AM Sagi Shnaidman <sshnaidm@redhat.com> wrote:Hi, allshort minutes from the meeting today about moving of Openstack Ansible modules to Openstack.1. Because of some level of uncertainty and different opinions, the details of treatment of old modules will be under discussion in ML. I'll send a mail about this topic.2. We agreed to have modules under "openstack." namespace and named "cloud". So regular modules will be named like "openstack.cloud.os_server" for example.3. We agreed to keep Ansible modules as thin as possible, putting the logic into SDK.4. Also we will keep compatibility with as much Ansible versions as possible.5. We agreed to have manual releases of Ansible modules as much as we need. Similarly as it's done with SDK.Next time: Thursday 19 Dec 2019 4.00 PM UTC.ThanksOn Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 12:03 AM Sagi Shnaidman <sshnaidm@redhat.com> wrote:Hi, all
short minutes from the meeting today about Openstack Ansible modules.
1. Ansible 2.10 is going to move all modules to collections, so Openstack modules should find a new home in Openstack repos.
2. Namespace for openstack modules will be named "openstack.". What is coming after the dot is still under discussion.
3. Current modules will be migrated to collections in "openstack." as is with their names and will be still available for playbooks (via symlinking). It will avoid breaking people that use in their playbooks os_* modules now.
4. Old modules will be frozen after migrations and all development work will go in the new modules which will live aside.
5. Critical bugfixes to 2.9 versions will be done via Ansible GitHub repo as usual and synced manually to "openstack." collection. It must be a very exceptional case.
6. Migrations are set for mid of January 2020 approximately.
7. Modules should stay compatible with last Ansible and collections API changed.
8. Because current old modules are licensed with GPL and license of Openstack is Apache2, we need to figure out if we can either relicense them or develop new ones with different license or to continue to work on new ones with GPL in SIG repo. Agreed to ask on legal-discuss ML.
Long minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/api_sig/2019/api_sig.2019-12-05-16.00.html
Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/api_sig/2019/api_sig.2019-12-05-16.00.log.html
Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-modules
Next time Thursday 12 Dec 2019 4.00 PM UTC.
ThanksOn Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 8:18 PM Sagi Shnaidman <sshnaidm@redhat.com> wrote:Hi, allIn the meeting today we agreed to meet every Thursday starting *this week* at 4.00 PM UTC on #openstack-sdks channel on Freenode. We'll discuss everything related to Openstack Ansible modules.Agenda and topics are in the etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-modules(I've created a new one, because we don't limit to Ironic modules only, it's about all of them in general)Short minutes from meeting today:Organizational:
1. We meet every Thursday from this week at 4.00 PM UTC on #openstack-sdks
2. Interested parties for now are: Ironic, Tripleo, Openstack-Ansible, Kolla-ansible, OpenstackSDK teams. Feel free to join and add yourself in the etherpad. [1]
3. We'll track our work in Storyboard for ansible-collections-openstack (in progress)
4. Openstack Ansible modules will live as collections under Ansible SIG in repo openstack/ansible-collections-openstack [2] because there are issues with different licensing: GPLv3 for Ansible in upstream and Openstack license (Apache2).
5. Ansible upstream Openstack modules will be merge-frozen when we'll have our collections fully working and will be deprecated from Ansible at some point in the future.
6. Openstack Ansible collections will be published to Galaxy.
7. There is a list of people that can be pinged for reviews in ansible-collections-openstack project, feel free to join there [1]
1. We use openstacksdk instead of [project]client modules.
2. We will rename modules to be more like os_[service_type] named, examples are in Ironic modules etherpad [3]Logs from meeting today you can find here: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ansible_sig/2019/ansible_sig.2019-12-03-15.01.log.htmlPlease feel free to participate and add topics to agenda. [1][1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-modules
[2] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684740/
[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ironic-ansible-modulesThanksOn Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 7:57 PM Sagi Shnaidman <sshnaidm@redhat.com> wrote:Hi, all
in the light of finding the new home place for openstack related ansible modules [1] I'd like to discuss the best strategy to create Ironic ansible modules. Existing Ironic modules in Ansible repo don't cover even half of Ironic functionality, don't fit current needs and definitely require an additional work. There are a few topics that require attention and better be solved before modules are written to save additional work. We prepared an etherpad [2] with all these questions and if you have ideas or suggestions on how it should look you're welcome to update it.
We'd like to decide the final place for them, name conventions (the most complex one!), what they should look like and how better to implement.
Anybody interested in Ansible and baremetal management in Openstack, you're more than welcome to contribute.
[1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/684740/
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ironic-ansible-modules
--Best regardsSagi Shnaidman
--Best regardsSagi Shnaidman
--Best regardsSagi Shnaidman
--Best regardsSagi Shnaidman
--Best regardsSagi Shnaidman