Hi there,

we have booked the following slots:
* Monday (Oct 17th) 14-15 UTC (1 hour) @ icehouse
* Tuesday (Oct 18th) 7-8 UTC (1 hour) @ icehouse

In case we'll see a need for more, we can always book something else later.

See you next week,

On Fri, 30 Sept 2022 at 16:48, Martin Kopec <mkopec@redhat.com> wrote:
So far we have the following 4 topics:
* Retrospective
* Clean up deprecated lib/neutron code
* Decide which job variant should become the new tempest default

Feel free to add any other topic, you would like to discuss, to our ptg etherpad [1].
We haven't booked any time slots yet, before that, I wanted to make sure that we have all topics gathered so that we can plan enough time to cover them all.
We'll book the slots next week, so hurry up :)

See you soon,

On Thu, 22 Sept 2022 at 00:46, Martin Kopec <mkopec@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

here is [1] our etherpad for Antelope PTG. Please, add your topics there if there is anything you would like to discuss / propose ...
You can also vote for time slots of our sessions so that they fit your schedule at [2].
We will go with 3 maybe 4 one hour slots, depending on the number of topics.

Martin Kopec
Senior Software Quality Engineer
Red Hat EMEA
IM: kopecmartin

