On 3/20/2019 10:55 AM, Eric Fried wrote:
Looking at the room schedule [6], how do folks feel about earmarking Friday morning for cross-project sessions? As the etherpads fill up we'll hopefully get a better idea of how much time to schedule for each. And doing it relatively early gives us time to prioritize spillover for Saturday if that becomes necessary.
That would coincide with which day of the PTG we'd normally spend on cross-project stuff, i.e. in years past we had horizontal teams/topics on Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday was the big ticket nova items day (cells and placement stuff), Thursday was cross-project and wacky hat day, and Friday was the smorgasbord everything else and get cranky with each other before leaving day. The latter now becomes Saturday and I expect even more crankiness and people leaving early because summit + PTG is going to bleed into a sixth day for some folks. -- Thanks, Matt