Hello everyone. I'm having issues with the Neutron-Metering component inside Kolla-Ansible, and I was hoping that you guys could help me :) The problem is that Neutron Metering doesn't create/get the bandwidth metric. I create a report of this inside the Neutron Launchpad, thinking that maybe the Metering component had troubles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1945560 With the help of Bence, we've discovered that the messages of the creation of metering labels and metering rules were OK inside RabbitMQ. After that, I deployed a new DevStack environment and, with the right configuration, the Neutron Metering is working as it should, only inside the DevStack environment. That made me think that maybe Kolla Ansible had a flag to avoid the modification of iptables and I found the flag "docker_disable_default_iptables_rules" which I set to "no", as I'm using the Wallaby version. Setting this flag didn't do the trick and I was thinking that maybe there is another flag or component of Kolla Ansible that prevents the modification of iptables, apart from "docker_disable_default_iptables_rules". Thanks in advance. Greetings!