Hello everybody,


I am using Ironic standalone to provision the HPE Gen10+ node via iLO driver. Ironic version is 16.0.1. Server is configured with UEFI boot mode.


Everything on Ironic side works fine.  It creates ISO image, powers the server on and configures it to boot from it.


Here is the what /var/log/ironic/ironic-conductor.log says:


2021-03-31 17:46:25.541 2618460 INFO ironic.conductor.task_manager [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] Node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 moved to provision state "cleaning" from state "manageable"; target provision state is "available"

2021-03-31 17:46:32.066 2618460 INFO ironic.drivers.modules.ilo.power [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] The node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 operation of 'power off' is completed in 4 seconds.

2021-03-31 17:46:32.088 2618460 INFO ironic.conductor.utils [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] Successfully set node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 power state to power off by power off.

2021-03-31 17:46:34.510 2618460 INFO ironic.drivers.modules.ilo.common [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] Node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 pending boot mode is uefi.

2021-03-31 17:46:37.248 2618460 INFO ironic.drivers.modules.ilo.common [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] Set the node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 to boot from URL successfully.

2021-03-31 17:46:48.367 2618460 INFO ironic.drivers.modules.ilo.power [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] The node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 operation of 'power on' is completed in 8 seconds.

2021-03-31 17:46:48.388 2618460 INFO ironic.conductor.utils [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] Successfully set node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 power state to power on by rebooting.

2021-03-31 17:46:48.404 2618460 INFO ironic.conductor.task_manager [req-b6a19234-5f4b-4852-ab41-4102b9016bb0 - - - - -] Node ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0 moved to provision state "clean wait" from state "cleaning"; target provision state is "available"



The Grub2 starts and after I select the option “boot_partition", it starts booting and immediately freezes with following screen (just red static underscore):



I have tried with pre-built IPA images (see below) as well as with custom IPA images made with Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 (built using ironic-python-agent-builder) but it is all the same.


Does somebody have idea what is the problem with IPA and UEFI in this particular scenario?


Output of “openstack baremetal node show” command:


allocation_uuid: null

automated_clean: null

bios_interface: no-bios

boot_interface: ilo-uefi-https

chassis_uuid: null

clean_step: {}


conductor_group: ''

console_enabled: false

console_interface: no-console

created_at: '2021-03-21T13:54:25+00:00'

deploy_interface: direct

deploy_step: {}

description: null

driver: ilo5



  ilo_bootloader: https://ironic-images/Images/esp.img

  ilo_deploy_kernel: https://ironic-images/Images/ipa-centos8-stable-victoria.kernel

  ilo_deploy_ramdisk: https://ironic-images/Images/ipa-centos8-stable-victoria.initramfs

  ilo_password: '******'

  ilo_username: Administrator

  snmp_auth_priv_password: '******'

  snmp_auth_prot_password: '******'

  snmp_auth_user: iloinspect


  agent_continue_if_ata_erase_failed: false

  agent_enable_ata_secure_erase: true

  agent_erase_devices_iterations: 1

  agent_erase_devices_zeroize: true

  agent_erase_skip_read_only: false

  agent_secret_token: '******'

  agent_secret_token_pregenerated: true

  clean_steps: null

  disk_erasure_concurrency: 1

  last_power_state_change: '2021-03-31T17:46:37.894667'

extra: {}

fault: clean failure

inspect_interface: ilo

inspection_finished_at: '2021-03-21T13:57:33+00:00'

inspection_started_at: null


  deploy_boot_mode: uefi

instance_uuid: null

last_error: null

lessee: null

maintenance: true


management_interface: ilo5

name: null

network_data: {}

network_interface: noop

owner: null

power_interface: ilo

power_state: power on


  cpu_arch: x86

  cpus: 64

  local_gb: 2979

  memory_mb: 262144

protected: false

protected_reason: null

provision_state: clean wait

provision_updated_at: '2021-03-31T17:46:48+00:00'

raid_config: {}

raid_interface: no-raid

rescue_interface: no-rescue

reservation: null

resource_class: null

retired: false

retired_reason: null

storage_interface: noop

target_power_state: null

target_provision_state: available

target_raid_config: {}

traits: []

updated_at: '2021-03-31T17:46:48+00:00'

uuid: ed25569f-c107-4fe0-95cd-74fcad9ab3f0

vendor_interface: no-vendor



Many thanks!


Vuk Gojnic


Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH

Services & Plattforms (T-SP)

Tribe Data Center Infrastructure (T-DCI)

Super Squad Cloud Platforms Lifecycle (SSQ-CP)


Vuk Gojnic

Kubernetes Engine Squad Lead