Hi Ignazio, We publish images to dockerhub on a weekly basis, on Sundays. The release notes should include information about fixes in those images. For example, for wallaby: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/kolla/wallaby.html. Note that fixes may take up to a week to get to dockerhub. Regards, Mark On Sat, 3 Jul 2021 at 15:52, Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I am new user for openstack kolla because I installed openstack writing my ansible Playbooks. I wonder if it is a method to check if new images has been released . For example: I installed kolla wallaby 2 weeks ago, and now I want to check if new images could be updated. I want to check if new images solve some bugs. Is it possibile without trying to pull all images.? Thanks Ignazio