Hi Lokendra, Just to update this is a known issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1955414. And is being fixed with https://review.opendev.org/q/I4ac9210f6533e6826b2814f72b7271b43fdca267. This will ensure deployment to fail early if there is an issue with NTP rather than failing randomly later. Thanks and Regards Yatin Karel On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 9:17 AM Lokendra Rathour <lokendrarathour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Laurent, Thanks for the update, But I think the issue was because of NTP Not in sync. Somehow my Chrony sync stopped and it cause the Setup completion failure.
Solution: Chrony needs to be in sync all time.
On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 8:20 AM Laurent Dumont <laurentfdumont@gmail.com> wrote:
Which user is the UUID 765d7c43b3d54b289c9fa9e1dae15112 referring to? Can you reset it's password? I do believe that Keystone will enforce a password reset until you change it.
On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 4:25 AM Lokendra Rathour < lokendrarathour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team, I was trying to deploy Triple0 Train using containers. After around 30+ min of overcloud running it gett below error:
The error was: "keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.Unauthorized: The password is expired and needs to be changed for user: 765d7c43b3d54b289c9fa9e1dae15112. (HTTP 401) (Request-ID: req-f1344091-4f81-44c2-8ec6-e2daffbf998c) 2022-01-09 23:10:39.354147 | 525400bb-6dc5-c157-232d-000000003de1 | FATAL | As"
I tried checking the Horizon, where is see that it is asking me to change the password immediately with the same message and a similar observation is seen with overcloud file.
Please advice why this deployment is getting failed
-- ~ Lokendra
-- ~ Lokendra