Hi Team

I have deployed Openstack USSURI using TripleO. It was successfully done, after which I started Upgrading the setup to Victoria.

The Undercloud was successfully upgraded and there was no issue, but when I tried upgrading the Overcloud Nodes (starting with the Controller), some issues were encountered while executing the below command

openstack overcloud upgrade run --limit Controller --playbook

TASK | Ensure DNF modules have the right stream
*2022-03-04 14:29:57.723661 | 525400cb-2e90-4086-e760-00000000009b |
 FATAL | Ensure DNF modules have the right stream | overcloud-novacompute-0
| item={'module': 'container-tools', 'stream': '3.0'} |
Installing module from Fail-Safe repository is not
allowed\"))\ndnf.exceptions.Error: Installing module from Fail-Safe
repository is not allowed\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE
FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1}*

Can someone please help in resolving this.
Thanks in Advance

Anirudh Gupta