On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 08:50:16PM -0400, Doug Hellmann wrote:
"Clark Boylan" <cboylan@sapwetik.org> writes:
Hello everyone!
The Infra team, no, OpenDev Infra team, has completed the initial work to migrate to a more flexible git hosting platform. Gerrit is now hosted at review.opendev.org (with redirects from review.openstack.org in place). Our git mirroring has transitioned from git.openstack.org, git.airshipit.org, git.starlingx.io, and git.zuul-ci.org to http(s)://opendev.org. We have put in place redirects from these old domains to the new domain. If you see James Blair at the summit and appreciate these redirects: buy him a beverage.
So does that mean that old git:// URLs in remotes will need to be updated in local copies? For example, in a local working copy I have this output:
Yup. I hit this also. I wrote: https://github.com/tbreeds/opendev-git-update with the help of OpenDev Infra. It will workout where the project landed if there was a namespace change, and switch to using https instead of git for origin urls. It avoids the need to re-clone repos. It also *tries* to do the right thing for current stable branches. It meets my needs but isn't quality software ;P Pull-requests welcome. It used stopped part way through so I really recommend grabbing the current master before you run it. Yours Tony.