On Mon, 2023-12-11 at 07:48 +0100, Michal Arbet wrote:
Is there any chance to not deprecate vmware support ? We have customers who are using this ...
on the nova side we have agreed not to removed the vmware driver supprot until at least milestone 2 to allow a third party ci to be set up. we still plan to treat vmware as experimatal and depercated for removal in this cycle even if that ci is in place as we want to see a ongoing maintaince of the driver for at least a full release (proably more) before considering it maintained again. i.e. if the ci breaks in the D cycle and its not fixed before FF we will remove it in the D cycle under the existing deprecation. if we done see the ci reliable voting on each patch after milestone 2 we will proceed with the driver removal before milestone 3. i think it still makes sense to deprecate or at least declare vmware supprot as experimental in other projects and defer removal to the D or E cycle.
Thanks Michal Arbet Openstack Engineer
Ultimum Technologies a.s. Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1 Czech Republic
+420 604 228 897 michal.arbet@ultimum.io *https://ultimum.io <https://ultimum.io/>*
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čt 9. 11. 2023 v 9:29 odesílatel Takashi Kajinami <kajinamit@oss.nttdata.com> napsal:
Hi all,
As you might know, some of the OpenStack projects currently support usage of VMWare component. However recently the VMware virt driver in nova was marked experimental in 2023.2 release [1] and it has been discussed that the driver will be removed in 2023.2 release[2], after deprecation is backported to 2023.1. (Please someone from nova team correct me if I'm wrong)
So my current question is;
Does it make sense to deprecate all of the features to support VMWare component ?
My understanding is that these features were added to be used along with VMWare virt driver in nova, but once the virt driver is removed this use case is voided.
I'll list up the features within the discussion scope below.
nova: VMWare virt driver (this is already experimental by [1])
cinder: VMware Storage Driver (vmdk)
glance: VMWare Datastore (I proposed deprecating this in [3][4])
ceilometer: VMWare virt driver (this was deprecated by [5])
os-brick: VmdkConnector
monasca-agent: vcenter collector (*1)
oslo.vmware: the whole project
NOTE: These features are found based on dependency on oslo.vmware but there can be a few not listed here.
Outside of OpenStack's governance, there are two projects dependent on oslo.vmware, networking-vsphere and vmware-nsx but both of these look inactive.
Because of SLURP, we have to complete deprecation during in 2024.1 release so that we can drop the feature right after 2024.1. If we fail then we have to maintain these features until 2025.1 (the features already deprecated can be removed earlier, though). So I'd like to get feedback and decision before deadline for 2024.1
Thank you,
(*1) Monasca is now inactive so I doubt anyone would work on this topic before it is retired.
[1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/863911 [2] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/897017 [3] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/893696 [4]
https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... [5] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ceilometer/+/894540