---- On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 01:58:56 -0600 Jean-Philippe Evrard <jean-philippe@evrard.me> wrote ----
I am filling the survey for the room booking during the OpenDev summit in Vancouver. Do you already know if you will attend, this way we have a first guesstimate of the attendance?
Can you answer it here by Thursday, please?
FYI: I thought of booking for min 1.5 days, maximum time 2 days, as last time we finished the marathon in two days.
I will join. But seems 2 days might be a little long but depends on topics we want to discuss. Along with TC room, I need to be at QA, Nova and a few more projects at runtime so hoping for no conflict in schedule. -gmann
For the room format, I like the roundtable (was wondering to add extra seats next to the roundtable for people joining), however it's only around 10 persons per table, which won't be enough for us all if everyone attends.
Regards, JP