the only other thing i wanted to point out is that while i have had some succes gettign ubuntu soruce image to run on centos host in the past it will be tricky if kolla every want to supprot
selinx/apparmor. that was the main barrier i faced but there can be other. speficialy ovs and libvirt can be somewhat picky about the kernel on which they run. most of the openstack service will
likely not care that the contaienr os does not match the host but some of the "system" depenciy like libvirt/ovs might. a way to address taht would be to supprot using external images for those servie
form dockerhub/quay e.g. use the offical upstream mariadb image or libvirt or rabbit if that is infact a porblem.
We’ve been discussing about moving OVS and Libvirt deployment to be deployed on OS level (not in containers) - if that will be required.
anyway its totally understandable that if you do not have contirbutor that are able to support the other distors that you would remove the supprot.
espicaly with the move away form using kolla image in ooo of late and presumable a reduction in redhat contibutions to keep centos supprot alive.
anyway the chagne while sad to see just form a proejct health point of vew are sad would not be enough to prevent me personally form using or recommendign kolla and kolla-ansibel.
if you had prorpsed the opistte of centos binary only that would be much more concerning to me. there are some advantages to source installs that you are preservging in this change
that i am glad will not be lost.
That’s good to see.
one last tought is that if only one disto will be supproted for building images in the future with only soruce installs supproted, it might be worth considering if alpine or the alpine/debian-lite
python 3 iamge should be revaluated as the base for an even lighter set of contianers rather then the base os image. i am kind fo assumeing that at some poitn the non python noopenstack contaienr
would be used form the offial images at some point rahter then kolla contining to maintain them with the above suggestion. So this may not be applicable now and really would likely be an A or post A
That was in the PTG notes, but I don’t think we have considered a separate base OS for python-based Kolla images (and a separate for those that need it or use official Docker Hub/ images for those services).
Thanks for your input!
Best regards,
Michal Nasiadka