
Thanks for your answer.

Removing the "-i" did the trick. I was doing "ls -lh" where I should have run "ls -l" to get the exact size... (Noob) and discover the mismatch between the two files.

I checked everywhere I could to get an answer but not in curl... I just retrieved the command from the debug output but I didn't think to check the curl arguments...

Good catch and thank you!


On Mar. 3, 2020 4:36 p.m., Pierre Riteau <pierre@stackhpc.com> wrote:

Hi Gaëtan,

Going back to your original question: have you tried to open
downloaded with curl with a text editor?
I am expecting that it is actually slightly bigger than the correct
file downloaded with OSC, because it would include HTTP headers at the

You should drop the `-i` option from your curl command line and try again:

       -i, --include
              (HTTP) Include the HTTP-header in the output. The
HTTP-header includes things like server-name, date of the document,
HTTP-version and more...

Best wishes,
Pierre Riteau (priteau)

On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 15:21, <gaetan.trellu@incloudus.com> wrote:
> Abhishek,
> Thansk for your answer, I tried both CLIs (Train release) and the issue
> still the same.
> Paste of the "curl" command: http://paste.openstack.org/show/790197/
> Result of the "md5sum" on the file created by the "curl":
> $ md5sum /tmp/kernel.glance
> c3726de8e03158305453f328d85e9957  /tmp/kernel.glance
> As Mark and Radoslaw, I'm quite surprised about OSC been deprecated.
> Do you have any release note about this?
> Thanks for your help.
> Gaëtan
> curl -g -i -X GET
> -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "User-Agent:
> python-glanceclient" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" --output
> /tmp/kernel.glance -v
> Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred.
> * Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x557679b1de80)
> *   Trying
> * Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x557679b1de80)
>    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
> Current
>                                   Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
> Speed
>    0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
>      0* Connected to ( port 9292 (#0)
> > GET /v2/images/de39fc9c-b943-47e3-82c4-bd6d577a9577/file HTTP/1.1
> > Host:
> > Accept: */*
> > Content-Type: application/octet-stream
> > User-Agent: python-glanceclient
> > X-Auth-Token:
> > gAAAAABeXRzKVS3uQIIv9t-wV7njIV-T9HIvcwFqcHNivrpyBlesDtgAj1kpWk59a20EJLUo8IeHpTdKgVFwhnAVvbSWHY-HQvxu5dwSFsK4A-7CzAOwdp3svSqxB-FdwWhsY_PElftMX4geA-y_YFZJamefZapiAv6g1gSm-BSv5GYQ0hj3yGY
> >
>    0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:--
>      0< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Content-Type: application/octet-stream
> < Content-Md5: 26c6d5c3d8ba9fd4bc4d1ee5959a827c
> < Content-Length: 5631728
> < X-Openstack-Request-Id: req-e7ba2455-780f-48a8-b6a2-1c6741d0e368
> < Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 15:03:53 GMT
> <
> { [32768 bytes data]
> 100 5499k  100 5499k    0     0  4269k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--
> 4269k
> * Connection #0 to host left intact
> On 2020-03-02 04:54, Mark Goddard wrote:
> > On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 06:28, Abhishek Kekane <akekane@redhat.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Gaëtan,
> >>
> >> Glance team doesn't recommend to use OSC anymore.
> >> I will recommend you to check the same behaviour using
> >> python-glanceclient.
> >
> > That's not cool - everyone has switched to OSC. It's also the first
> > time I've heard of it.
> >
> >>
> >> Thanks & Best Regards,
> >>
> >> Abhishek Kekane
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 3:54 AM Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> > On Feb 28, 2020, at 4:15 PM, gaetan.trellu@incloudus.com wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > Hey Monty,
> >>> >
> >>> > If I download the image via the CLI, the checksum of the file matches the checksum from the image details.
> >>> > If I download the image via "curl", the "Content-Md5" header matches the image details but the file checksum doesn't.
> >>> >
> >>> > The files have the same size, this is really weird.
> >>>
> >>> WOW.
> >>>
> >>> I still don’t know the issue - but my unfounded hunch is that the
> >>> curl command is likely not doing something it should be. If OSC is
> >>> producing a file that matches the image details, that seems like the
> >>> right choice for now.
> >>>
> >>> Seriously fascinating though.
> >>>
> >>> > Gaëtan
> >>> >
> >>> > On 2020-02-28 17:00, Monty Taylor wrote:
> >>> >>> On Feb 28, 2020, at 2:29 PM, gaetan.trellu@incloudus.com wrote:
> >>> >>> Hi guys,
> >>> >>> Does anyone know why the md5 checksum is different between the "openstack image save" CLI and "curl" commands?
> >>> >>> During the image creation a checksum is computed to check the image integrity, using the "openstack" CLI match the checksum generated but when "curl" is used by following the API documentation[1] the checksum change at every "download".
> >>> >>> Any idea?
> >>> >> That seems strange. I don’t know off the top of my head. I do know
> >>> >> Artem has patches up to switch OSC to using SDK for image operations.
> >>> >> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/699416/
> >>> >> That said, I’d still expect current OSC checksums to be solid. Perhaps
> >>> >> there is some filtering/processing being done cloud-side in your
> >>> >> glance? If you download the image to a file and run a checksum on it -
> >>> >> does it match the checksum given by OSC on upload? Or the checksum
> >>> >> given by glance API on download?
> >>> >>> Thanks,
> >>> >>> Gaëtan
> >>> >>> [1] https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/image/v2/index.html?expanded=download-binary-image-data-detail#download-binary-image-data
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>