nxdomain is a dns error - the machine you're using to open that web page doesn't know how to connect to the hostname ceph-osd3

it appears your issue is a basic networking issue - not openstack specific

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 3:31 AM Michel Niyoyita <micou12@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Bernd

Thank you for your response

Both openstack and Ceph are in the same network and are pingable from each other using their IP and names .
But once copy the container link is not reachable 
kindly advise on how link provided can be accessible . 

Best Regards


On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 2:46 AM Bernd Bausch <berndbausch@gmail.com> wrote:
Please reveal the precise symptoms. In particular, how do you attempt to
reach the public containers, and what exactly happens when you do so.

Without having relevant information about your set up, my guess it that
this is a networking problem. You may have configured an external
network that is not reachable from your browser. The first thing,
therefore, is to check whether there is any connectivity to the network
to which the public link belongs.

Bernd Bausch

On 2021/09/22 7:35 PM, Michel Niyoyita wrote:
> Dear all
> I have created containers and upload objects into containers . I can
> access these containers and objects trough horizon dashboard but once
> make them public I can not reach them through the provided link .
> If any one have an idea on how to access containers and their object
> using the link from outside he can help and guide.
> I deployed openstack wallaby using kolla-ansible and ceph pacific
> using ansible , both are using ubuntu 20.04 as OS
> Michel

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