No, it isn't. It raised when i use default settings on my client base on "olso_messaging". And when i create the config file and use "oslo_config" passed to tranport (get_notification_transport), it work :D

Thank for your help.

Nguyễn Bá Thành

Mobile:    0128 748 0391


Vào Th 5, 3 thg 1, 2019 vào lúc 00:30 Doug Hellmann <> đã viết:
Ben Nemec <> writes:

> On 12/27/18 8:22 PM, Thành Nguyễn Bá wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a problem when use 'notification listener' oslo-message for HA
>> Openstack.
>> It raise 'oslo_messaging.exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure: Unable to
>> connect to AMQP server on
>> <> after inf tries: Exchange.declare: (406)
>> PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'durable' for exchange 'nova' in
>> vhost '/': received 'false' but current is 'true''.
>> How can i fix this?. I think settings default in my program set
>> 'durable' is False so it can't listen RabbitMQ Openstack?
> It probably depends on which rabbit client library you're using to
> listen for notifications. Presumably there should be some way to
> configure it to set durable to True.

IIRC, the "exchange" needs to be declared consistently among all
listeners because the first client to connect causes the exchange to be

> I guess the other option is to disable durable queues in the Nova
> config, but then you lose the contents of any queues when Rabbit gets
> restarted. It would be better to figure out how to make the consuming
> application configure durable queues instead.
>> This is my nova.conf
>> And section [oslo_messaging_rabbit]
>>     [oslo_messaging_rabbit]
>>     rabbit_ha_queues = true
>>     rabbit_retry_interval = 1
>>     rabbit_retry_backoff = 2
>>     amqp_durable_queues= true

You say that is your nova.conf.  Is that the same configuration file
your client is using when it connects?

>> *Nguyễn Bá Thành*
>> *Mobile*:    0128 748 0391
>> *Email*: <>
