Many Thanks.
I will check it [1].

Il giorno Dom 3 Feb 2019 11:05 Tom Barron <> ha scritto:
On 01/02/19 07:28 +0100, Ignazio Cassano wrote:
>Thanks Goutham.
>If there are not mantainers for this driver I will switch on ceph and or
>I am already using netapp but I would like to export shares from an
>openstack installation to another.
>Since these 2 installations do non share any openstack component and have
>different openstack database, I would like to know it is possible .

Hi Ignazio,

If by "export shares from an openstack installation to another" you
mean removing them from management by manila in installation A and
instead managing them by manila in installation B then you can do that
while leaving them in place on your Net App back end using the manila
"manage-unmanage" administrative commands. Here's some documentation
[1] that should be helpful.

If on the other hand by "export shares ... to another" you mean to
leave the shares under management of manila in installation A but
consume them from compute instances in installation B it's all about
the networking.  One can use manila to "allow-access" to consumers of
shares anywhere but the consumers must be able to reach the "export
locations" for those shares and mount them.


-- Tom Barron

>Il giorno Gio 31 Gen 2019 20:56 Goutham Pacha Ravi <>
>ha scritto:
>> Hi Ignazio,
>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 7:31 AM Ignazio Cassano
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello All,
>> > I installed manila on my queens openstack based on centos 7.
>> > I configured two servers with glusterfs replocation and ganesha nfs.
>> > I configured my controllers octavia,conf but when I try to create a share
>> > the manila scheduler logs reports:
>> >
>> > Failed to schedule create_share: No valid host was found. Failed to find
>> a weighted host, the last executed filter was CapabilitiesFilter.:
>> NoValidHost: No valid host was found. Failed to find a weighted host, the
>> last executed filter was CapabilitiesFilter.
>> > 2019-01-31 16:07:32.614 159380 INFO manila.message.api
>> [req-241d66b3-8004-410b-b000-c6d2d3536e4a 89f76bc5de5545f381da2c10c7df7f15
>> 59f1f232ce28409593d66d8f6495e434 - - -] Creating message record for
>> request_id = req-241d66b3-8004-410b-b000-c6d2d3536e4a
>> The scheduler failure points out that you have a mismatch in
>> expectations (backend capabilities vs share type extra-specs) and
>> there was no host to schedule your share to. So a few things to check
>> here:
>> - What is the share type you're using? Can you list the share type
>> extra-specs and confirm that the backend (your GlusterFS storage)
>> capabilities are appropriate with whatever you've set up as
>> extra-specs ($ manila pool-list --detail)?
>> - Is your backend operating correctly? You can list the manila
>> services ($ manila service-list) and see if the backend is both
>> 'enabled' and 'up'. If it isn't, there's a good chance there was a
>> problem with the driver initialization, please enable debug logging,
>> and look at the log file for the manila-share service, you might see
>> why and be able to fix it.
>> Please be aware that we're on a look out for a maintainer for the
>> GlusterFS driver for the past few releases. We're open to bug fixes
>> and maintenance patches, but there is currently no active maintainer
>> for this driver.
>> > I did not understand if controllers node must be connected to the
>> network where shares must be exported for virtual machines, so my glusterfs
>> are connected on the management network where openstack controllers are
>> conencted and to the network where virtual machine are connected.
>> >
>> > My manila.conf section for glusterfs section is the following
>> >
>> > [gluster-manila565]
>> > driver_handles_share_servers = False
>> > share_driver = manila.share.drivers.glusterfs.GlusterfsShareDriver
>> > glusterfs_target = root@
>> > glusterfs_path_to_private_key = /etc/manila/id_rsa
>> > glusterfs_ganesha_server_username = root
>> > glusterfs_nfs_server_type = Ganesha
>> > glusterfs_ganesha_server_ip =
>> > #glusterfs_servers = root@
>> > ganesha_config_dir = /etc/ganesha
>> >
>> >
>> > PS
>> > is the network where controlelrs expose endpoint
>> >
>> > is the shared network inside openstack where virtual
>> machines are connected.
>> >
>> > The gluster servers are connected on both.
>> >
>> >
>> > Any help, please ?
>> >
>> > Ignazio