Hi Najeh,

Glad to see your interest in OpenStack and I hope you get to the summit. You can apply for travel support here - https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/travelsupportdenver

On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 8:42 AM Najeh Nafti <naftinajeh94@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear OpenStack Project team,

My name is Najeh Nafti. I am a master degree student from Tunisia North Africa.
I'm currently working for a thesis project based on OpenStack, but i didn't find the need resources that can help me to realize my project.

I would like to request your approval to attend OpenStack-summit-Denver-2019 with your financial support. This event is a unique opportunity for me to gain knowledge and insight I need to solve daily challenges and to help me contribute to the overall goals of my study.

Although I understand there might be financial constraints in sending me to this event, I believe it will be an investment that results in immediate and longer term benefits. My objectives in attending this event are:

  • To increase knowledge in my discipline area.

  • To network with my peers from all over the world to share information, learn how they are solving similar problems, and collaborate to find innovative approaches.

OpenStack-summit-Denver-2019  would be a valuable experience for me and one that would benefit my thesis.

Thank you for your consideration.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards,

Melvin Hillsman
mobile: (832) 264-2646