On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 8:57 AM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
What you think we should and must improve in TC ? This can be the involvement of TC in the process from the governance point of view or
help for each project. Few of the question is below but feel free to add your improvement points.
Our current monthly meeting is fine, but our action define process after long discussion and action tracing surely have room to improve. On the other hand, TC voting is something to work on as (IMO) we need some more definition on how TC should run our voting process and how we can honor that decision as a group. There is a general voting process guide but we do facing some difficulty when running non-Gerrit voting.
- Do we have too much restriction on project sides and not giving them a free hand? If yes, what we can improve and how?
- Is there less interaction from TC with projects? I am sure few
Nope IMO.:) The current restrictions do bring us some benefit. We should always re-discuss about this. But for now, I think it's reasonable. projects/members even
do not know even what TC is for? What's your idea to solve this.
It's not a bad thing when projects don't need TC to interact. But it's a bad thing when we can't find many people to involve with community goal processes. Have Liaison to play the role between project and TC is one possible way. But regarding the goal process matters, maybe with the current proposed goal schedule things can run like release schedule. As an action idea, to make sure project PTLs and SIG chairs are aware of TC is some action we should take on, as new PTLs just elected. IMO, a lot of people should be invited to the TC meeting. And we should literally send emails, or ask PTLs and SIG chairs if they can join. -- Be safe! Rico Lin irc: ricolin