Hello Argonauts,

As you might be aware that the Zed PTG is approaching so I've created an etherpad for the details of the PTG and adding topics.
To summarize, PTG will take place from 4-8 April, 2022 and below are the details for Cinder PTG:

Date: 5-8 April, 2022
TIme: 1300-1700 UTC

Connection info will be shared prior to the meeting on the etherpad and the cinder channel on IRC. Most probably it will be on BlueJeans
(as has been in the past) but suggestions are welcome.

Etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/zed-ptg-cinder-planning

Regarding the timings, as discussed in the cinder meeting twice, the attendees had no concern and it is the preferred time for the
PTG since past 3 virtual PTGs. If there are any concerns, do let me know and we can also schedule your topic as convenient for
your timezone. Lastly, I would encourage everyone to add topics as soon as they can since it makes the planning/arranging of topics
easier and better.

Thanks and regards
Rajat Dhasmana