- все
Hey there.
We have pretty decent documentation on the topic [1]. Also please, never-ever upgrade computes before upgrading controllers, or at least one of them, as repo container is being used for wheels build and it has to be distro-specific. When there's no repo container of required operating system, roles rollback to behavour of not building wheels, which results in cloning repos from OpenDev for each compute independently.
At some scale, this leads to infrastructure "DDoS" which would be great to avoid:)
Also feel free to join us in IRC #openstack-ansible channel on OFTC network for futher questions.
[1] https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/latest/admin/upgrades/distribution-upgrades.html
04.04.2022, 12:18, "Marc-Antoine Godde" <marc-antoine.godde@viarezo.fr>:
We are running an Openstack cloud composed of 3 controller nodes and 4 compute nodes. Our deployment was realized with OpenStack-ansible and we are running OpenStack Ussuri on Ubuntu 18.04. Our plan is to upgrade nodes to Ubuntu 20.04, that way we would be able to update to OpenStack Victoria and further.
We would like to withdraw each node from the cluster, reinstall a clean linux and redeploy the nodes. There is garbage remaining from previous upgrades. We figured out the way in the documentation to remove a compute node from the cluster with Openstack-ansible but we can’t find any related documentation for controller nodes.
Any help would be very much appreciated. By the way, if you’d have any other suggestions on how to perform that upgrade, fell free to help.
Marc-Antoine Godde
Kind Regards,
Dmitriy Rabotyagov