James, Gitea looks great! My only wish is the search bar would work for the project names (octavia and openstack/octavia don't seem to work). Are we planning to make this transition after the Stein release is out? I am slightly worried about making git changes right at the end of the release where project teams are doing the final push to get the release out. Michael On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 6:36 AM Thierry Carrez <thierry@openstack.org> wrote:
James E. Blair wrote:
[...] Since all of the project git URLs are going to change (to replace git.openstack.org with opendev.org and review.openstack.org with review.opendev.org), we can additionally take the opportunity to reorganize projects into different organizations.
For example, during the transition we will rename Zuul, and it's associated projects, from the "openstack-infra" org to "zuul". So their new names will be "zuul/zuul", "zuul/nodepool", etc.
This is an excellent time for the rest of the OpenStack Foundation pilot projects to do the same.
If the OpenStack project desires this, it would also be a good time to move unofficial projects out of the openstack/ namespace.
I think that would be a great idea, removing a /lot/ of confusion. Four questions:
1/ how much consent do we need from the unofficial project itself before renaming it to something that does not use the OpenStack name? A lot of them are abandoned so it might be hard to get all of them to agree before cleaning things up...
2/ what would, say, openstack/ailuropoda be renamed to ? https://opendev.org/ailuropoda ? or https://opendev.org/opendev/ailuropoda ? Something else ?
3/ What would happen to the automatic GitHub mirroring when we rename unofficial projects ? I suspect the mirroring would stop ? Would we automatically remove the no-longer-mirrored project from GitHub ?
4/ the reason why we created unofficial projects under openstack/ in the first place was that it was hard to rename projects afterwards when they actually became official. We have much less incoming openstack projects those days, so it might not be as much of a problem, but I was wondering if that was somehow simpler to do today ?
-- Thierry Carrez (ttx)