Hello :)
Wanted to revive this thread and see if we maybe wanted to add it to our PTG topics? We could maybe see if any of them are available/want to join our PTG sessions to chat about things.
-Kendall (diablo_rojo)
Thank you for reviving this. I think this would be good to add to the agenda for our PTG topics and to invite k8s people to join if possible.
On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 5:33 AM Jay Bryant <jungleboyj@gmail.com> wrote:
Recently, the OpenStack TC has reached out to the Kubernetes Steering
Committee for input as we have proposed adding a
starter-kit:kubernetes-in-virt tag for projects in OpenStack. This
request was received positively and as a result the TC has started
brainstorming other topics that we could approach with the k8s community
in this [1] etherpad.
If you have topics that may be appropriate for this discussion please
see the etherpad and add your ideas.
IRC: jungleboyj
[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/kubernetes-cross-community-topics