Sorry for the late reply. First of all, thanks for dealing with the End
of Life transitioning :)
Nevertheless, I want to signal my (employer's) interest in keeping
heat's stable/victoria branch open as long as it can be kept healthy, so
I volunteer to help with keeping stable/victoria's gate maintained.
Since I am member of the stable-maint-core team and I usually help
anyway with stable maintenance in various projects, I hope the team
accepts my request to keep stable/victoria open.
I understand, that old branches become less and less easy to maintain
by the time, so in case my help won't be enough to keep the gate up and
running, then i won't object to transition to End of Life.
About ussuri and train: if there is anybody else interested in them,
then I offer my help for these branches as well, otherwise I accept to
transition ussuri and train to End of Life now.
Is this acceptable to the team?
Thanks in advance,
Előd Illés
irc: elodilles