Hello everyone! I would like to announce my candidacy for the role of PTL of Manila during the Bobcat/2023.2 cycle. I have been serving as the Manila PTL for 2 cycles in a row and I would like to continue serving as PTL to this amazing community. During the last two cycles we have been focusing on closing the feature gap between the core of Manila and OpenStack Client, SDK and Manila UI, as well as engaging and encouraging contributor participation through mentoring and promoting collaborative activities, focusing on tech debt, and enhancing the tests coverage for various areas of Manila. We have also been putting efforts on making sure that relevant new features, fixes and enhancements are landing every single release. For the next cycle I would like to continue the great work we have been doing so far, but also have some focus on: * Continue encouraging active maintainers to actively do reviews so we can enhance our review bandwidth; mentor people to become core reviewers, as well as promote and participate in mentoring opportunities such as Outreachy, GHC and so on. * Continue to promote events like hackathons or bug squashes that will not only help us to achieve our goals such as enhancing our functional tests coverage and reduce the bug stats, but will also strengthen the community and get contributors to collaborate and create great learning opportunities. * Continue past cycles efforts to collaboratively cover the lack of documentation we have on third party CI setups for Manila, helping potential new vendors to quickly set up their CI systems. * Pursue the remaining changes keeping us from starting the deprecation of manilaclient in favor of the OpenStack client. Thank you for your consideration! Carlos da Silva IRC: carloss