Hello, I recently found that tap-as-a-service-tempest-plugin repo[1] is quite outdated. I had a chat with slawek and lajoskatona about the repo and they agreed to retire the repository, because all taas related tests have been migrated to the core neutron-tempest-plugin. I'm wondering if anyone (probably TC ?) has any suggestion about the steps to retire the repository. Although this is not an official openstack repository, this is tightly related to tap-as-a-service which is now under openstack namespace and neutrons' stadium (probably we can follow the standard steps to retire OpenStack repos ?) Also, I'd like to revive the old discussions[2][3] about the old stable branches of the taas repo. These branches were kept because the tap-as-a-service project was out of the openstack namespace at that time. The old branches in this repo are using the job definition in tap-as-a-service-tempest-plugin repo and are blocking any job update there. I'm wondering if someone from the release team can help EOL/delete the old stable branches (O/P/Q/R/S/V, and probably X?) to avoid further problems. Thank you, Takashi Kajinami [1] https://opendev.org/x/tap-as-a-service-tempest-plugin [2] https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... [3] https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... -- Takashi Kajinami irc: tkajinam github: https://github.com/kajinamit launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~kajinamit