Hello Everyone, You might have noticed that 'tempest-integrated-compute-centos-8-stream' and 'tempest tempest-full-py3-centos-8-stream' job started failing the below two tests consistently since yesterday (~7 PM CST) - https://169dddc67bd535a0361f-0632fd6194b48b475d9eb0d8f7720c6c.ssl.cf2.rackcd... I have filed the bug and to unblock the gate (nova & tempest), I have pushed patch to make these job non voting until bug is fixed. - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/824740 Please hold the recheck on nova or tempest (or any other effected project). ralonsoh mentioned that this is not the same issue which is raised in - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-January/026682.h... or may be triggered due to same root cause? -gmann