(nomination posted to https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/778500) Hello I would like to continue serving as PTL for TripleO during the Xena cycle. Wallaby was my first PTL experience and it has been challenging and rewarding. I've learnt a lot about release processes and other repo related admin (like moving projects to the Independent release cycle). As I said in the W candidacy nomination [1], nowadays TripleO works in self-contained squads that drive technical decisions. We've had a lot of work across these squads (as always) during W with progress in a number of areas including moving port/network creation outside of Heat (ports v2), tripleo-ceph/tripleo-ceph-client and switching out ceph-ansible for cephadm, removing swift and the deployment plan, BGP support with frrouter and using ephemeral Heat for the overcloud deployment. I'd like to continue what i started in W, which is, to increase socialisation across tripleo squads and try to reign in the multitude of repos that we have created (and some now abandoned) over the years. After a well attended Wallaby PTG we have reinstated our traditional IRC meetings in #tripleo. I've started to "tidy up" our repos, moving some of the older and no longer used projects to 'independent' (os-refresh-config and friends, tripleo-ipsec) and started the process to mark older branches as EOL, starting with Rocky. There is a lot more to do here and I will be happy to do it if you give me the opportunity, thanks for your consideration, marios [1] https://opendev.org/openstack/election/raw/branch/master/candidates/wallaby/...