Hey folks,

Driver versions has being a source of a lot of confusions with costumers. Most of our drivers
have a version number and history that are updated as the developers adds new fixes and
features. Drivers also have a VERSION variable in the version class that should be bumped by
developers. The problem with that is:

   - sometimes folks from the community just push patches on drivers, and its hard to bump
     every vendor version correctly;
   - that relies in the human factor to remember adding it, and usually that fails;
   - if we create a bugfix and bump the version, the backport to older branches will carry the
     version, which will not reflect the correct driver code;

So, the solution I'm proposing for this is that we use the Cinder versions[1] and remove all
version strings for drivers. Every new release we get a version. For stable versions, from time to
time the PTL bumps the stable version and we have an accurate ways to describe the code.
If we need to backport and send something to the costumer, we can do the backport, poke
the PTL, and he will generate another version which can be downloaded on github or via PIP,
and present the version to our costumers.

So, what are your thought around this? Anyone else has had problems with that? What would
be the implications of removing the driver version strings?


[1] https://releases.openstack.org/teams/cinder.html
[2] https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/drivers/solidfire.py#L237