On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 17:05, Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 04:47:09PM +0000, Pierre Riteau wrote:
However, Blazar is extendable, with a plugin architecture: a baremetal plugin could be developed that interacts directly with Ironic.
This would require Ironic to support multi-tenancy first, right?
Yes, assuming this would be available as per your initial message. Although technically you could use the Blazar API as a wrapper to provide the multi-tenancy, it would require duplicating a lot of the Ironic API into Blazar, so I wouldn't recommend this approach.
Giving direct provisioning access to users means they will need BMC credentials and access to provisioning networks. If more isolation is required, you might want to take a look at HIL from the Mass Open Cloud [2]. I haven't used it but I have read one of their paper and it looks well-thought-out.
Ironically (hah!), the group I am working with *is* the Massachusetts Open Cloud, and we're looking to implement the ideas explored in HIL/BMI on top of OpenStack services.
Heh, it's a small world :-) I would very happy to see these ideas implemented via OpenStack, it would surely help to get them more adopted.