I definitely like the idea of a pop-up team in the house. I also tend to agree with the opinion about visibility for a pop-up team. We definitely need something with quick workflow. And allow people directly start communicate and working on the goal. Here's what I think we should do in advance. 1. To clear ways that we have to trigger cross-project development. To clear the path and to document. People have been trying a few formats to work on cross-project spec. After time, some prove useful and gaining momentum on the way. And some getting less. But we never try to stop at a point and declare what's the way we should do cross-project. And I'm pretty sure that's very confused for a lot of people who might not always as a part of this community. To give official recognition for ways that we think will cover the patch, and to officially announce the unofficial for methods (which we might already done with in ML/Meeting, but it's worth to bringing it to a more visible place.). And most importantly to have it documented in our develop guidelines, so message we send will be crystal clear for all of us all the time. If we can keep broadcast around and tell people how they can set-up for their requirement, than we actually get better chance to have more people trying the right way of engage with us and give really useful feedback. IMO, to use SIG as long-term (and repository demanded) path, and have a pop-up team for short term trace sounds like a fully covered for me. 2. Remove annoying channels. I like the idea if only use a single irc channel to communicate for multiple purpose I feel the lack of time to work through multiple channels and in multiple communities. Which is really annoying. So if we can have a general irc channel like openstack-dev, and allow popup-teams move to specific irc channel if they see fit. To consider have better visibility, a single channel for multiple team cores and leads to be awarded of some pop-up works will definitely a benefit. I mean, how many people actually capable to trace that much channel dally and happen to have time to join development? Isn't that's why we comes up with `openstack-discussion` for most mail to be in place? The down side is that we didn't have tag filter for irc. but that's also a good thing to actually know about works for pop-up teams. 3. Gaining visibility and official blessing As agree on comments about gaining visibility, a session for all SIGs and pop-up teams to shout out and raise their own most wanted help out. We can do it in one single session and give 3-5 minutes for each team. Any one also feel this is a good idea too? On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 9:15 PM Thierry Carrez <thierry@openstack.org> wrote:
Adam Spiers wrote:
Ildiko Vancsa <ildiko.vancsa@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2019. Feb 11., at 23:26, Adam Spiers <aspiers@suse.com> wrote: [snip…]
To help with all this I would start the experiment with wiki pages and etherpads as these are all materials you can point to without too much formality to follow so the goals, drivers, supporters and progress are visible to everyone who’s interested and to the TC to follow-up on. Do we expect an approval process to help with or even drive either of the crucial steps I listed above?
I'm not sure if it would help. But I agree that visibility is important, and by extension also discoverability. To that end I think it would be worth hosting a central list of popup initiatives somewhere which links to the available materials for each initiative. Maybe it doesn't matter too much whether that central list is simply a wiki page or a static web page managed by Gerrit under a governance repo or similar.
I would start with a wiki page as it stores history as well and it’s easier to edit. Later on if we feel the need to be more formal we can move to a static web page and use Gerrit.
Sounds good to me. Do we already have some popup teams? If so we could set this up straight away.
To continue this discussion, I just set up a basic page with an example team at:
Feel free to improve the description and example entry.
-- Thierry Carrez (ttx)
-- May The Force of OpenStack Be With You, *Rico Lin*irc: ricolin