On 2021-12-01 18:06:47 +0000 (+0000), Braden, Albert wrote: [...]
I hope and believe that Redhat would continue their contributions to the Openstack community if we continued to support Openstack on RHEL and dropped support for Centos. [...]
Just to clear up some misconceptions, what we mean when we say "support" (from the OpenStack community perspective) is that we test it upstream: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20170620-volunteer-support.h... In that sense, OpenStack does not officially "support" RHEL because we lack the ability to test it due to licensing challenges. We've asked on multiple occasions, and been told that running RHEL in arbitrary public cloud environments driven by automation is not feasible to license (due to a combination of legalities and logistics), and is still outside the scope of the "free for developer use" RHEL license program available today. This is why we traditionally tested on CentOS as a stand-in for RHEL, rather than using actual RHEL. Informally we "support" RHEL in the sense that we'd like users to be able to run our software on the platform, but we rely on others to test that's possible since we can't guarantee it ourselves. -- Jeremy Stanley