Hello Everyone,
The next OpenStack ops meetup team meeting will be tomorrow (2019-1-8) at 10am EST on #openstack-operators on freenode.
It is important that we get back to work, as there is an ops meetup to organise! The only offer received in written form was the Deutsche Telekom offer to host in Berlin (see
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetup-venue-discuss-1st-2019-berlin) and those present in previous meetings favored opting for Thursday March 7th and Friday March 8th so as to adjoin the weekend, making a personal weekend in berlin immediately after the meetup more doable.
The OpenStack "ops meetups team" is charged with making these events happen, but we could definitely do with some help. If you'd like to be involved, see our charter here
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ops_Meetups_Team and/or attend the meeting on IRC tomorrow. A draft agenda is now posted at the top of our agenda etherpad, see
All being well, I hope we can formally agree on the Berlin proposal and get moving with all the usual prep work. We have two months to get it done.
See you tomorrow!