Hi all, we have installed Openstack Xena in our cloud infrastructure (OS Centos-Stream 8) and we find a problem with the delete of images and snapshots via dashboard. The delete command returns "Error: Unable to delete Image:xxx". Via command line the delete works well. Looking in glance logs I don't find any error message. The only error message is in a httpd log "ssl_error_log:[Thu Mar 31 09:54:28.857689 2022] [wsgi:error] [pid 315710:tid 140368604612352] [remote] Internal Server Error: /dashboard/api/glance/images/9d519edb-5690-4660-a6e0-e44f9e2ab58f/" but it doesn't provide useful info for the debug. The creation of images via dashboard works well. Did you experienced this problem? Have you suggestions about it? Thanks, cheers Federica