Hi all,
I hard rebooted an instance while a compute node was down, and now on the dashboard/CLI it is stuck in hard rebooting status.
I am able to start/stop/reset it through virsh on the compute node, but I can't get it out of this loop in OpenStack, any suggestions? as an admin reset state to error then hard reboot. as a user you could try issuing a hard reboot again but im not sure
On Mon, 2024-07-08 at 09:32 +0200, Francesco Di Nucci wrote: that the preconditions will allow that to complete. as always when i mention reset-sate i want to be clear that its is a action of last resort and generally unsafe if the error is cause by a move operations. This situration however is basically the reason that api action extists. you ahve an instance stuck in a transitory state due to an interupted or patial lifecycle operation that does not change the host. if soemting is stuck in rebooting like this reset-set is the tool to reach for and hard reboot is the default action that you shoudl recach for to bring it form ERROR to active.
Thanks in advance