--- scaling down Ironic into a tool useful at smaller scale (that a tool
like cobbler has a strong hold on today)
Not clear from the etherpad: is it a question of scale or UX? I'm not sure a Bifrost installation is much larger than MaaS, etc (although we can always optimize it further, e.g. add sqlite as an option).
Yes to all? It's more that this is a space that we have very little market penetration into, and I'd like to solve it. I think there's going to need to be a nexus of documentation, simplification, and fighting back against false perceptions to make progress here, but it's worthwhile because of the size of the potential growth.
The etherpad mentions "Easy enough", and ease of use is definitely the field where we Ironic leaves a lot to be desired. Possibilities that come to mind: 1) My "deployment API" proposal, 2) Adding a strict schema to our API and clean up confusing JSON fields, 3) An image building service, 4) The already mentioned network management, 5) More high-level API actions/workflows.
These are all really good ideas that go in the direction I was thinking :). - Jay Faulkner Ironic PTL