To upgrade, we do this: * upgrade kolla-ansible on the deployment host (pip install "kolla-ansible==11.*") * get the new version's copy of etc_examples/globals.yml * apply settings from our own globals.yml to it * generate and merge passwords * take a backup of the databases with mysqldump for convenience * kolla-ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts upgrade --limit control We also have a couple of postdeploy scripts we run to ensure our logos are installed and other minor things. We're a little behind the times though - I've just done that today ussuri to victoria. Now continuing with '... upgrade --limit compute-r1' etc to do compute nodes one rack at a time for safety. I wonder how much has changed between victoria and now, and I intend to experience it over the next few months! HTH, Greg. On 13/5/24 22:22, Nguyễn Hữu Khôi wrote:
I read this doc about upgrading openstack <>
But I would like to know if
We install a new kolla-ansible(version to upgrade) on the new deployment host, apply changes with password.yml, global.yml and multinode and keep old /etc/kolla/config. Finally, we use kolla-ansible deploy instead of kolla-ansible upgrade.
Are these steps ok? Pls correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you. Regards
Nguyen Huu Khoi
-- Gregory Orange System Administrator, Scientific Platforms Team Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, CSIRO