I can't offer much help, but the versions you listed seem to be for the openstack-client + openstack-client-swift. These two are used to talk to the Openstack Swift. You'll have to find your version of Swift running in Openstack and look at the upgrade process. Like you mentioned, you might have to also upgrade Ubuntu to 18.04 On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 10:20 AM Joshua Crawford <jcrawford@quadrivium.com> wrote:
I talked to the engineer that originally set it up. He said that it was installed manually using instructions he found on openstack's site. He said that he had tried several "automatic" installers that failed. I believe, by that, he means that he used apt to install the packages individually. He did say that while the server is still on the same version of ubuntu that we originally started with, he has updated openstack and swift several times.
So, I guess the question is, will our version of openstack run on ubuntu 18 or 20 so that we can upgrade the OS and then use apt to update openstack?
Thank you, joshua.
[cid:Quadrivium-Logo_Horizontal-OneColor-CyberSecurityServices_456360a7-a556-4b83-b682-08dcceeef14a.jpg] Joshua Crawford | Senior Engineer Quadrivium Inc. | 5537 Bleaux Ave. Springdale, AR 72762 479.419.4600 | quadrivium.com<https://quadrivium.com> [cid:cyber-verify-2021-AAA_2ce098a9-58cb-442b-9293-b75ce40d6ff4.jpg]
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-----Original Message----- From: Laurent Dumont <laurentfdumont@gmail.com> To: Joshua Crawford <jcrawford@quadrivium.com> Cc: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org < openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> Subject: Re: [Update Process] Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2022 20:56:20 -0500
That's a loaded question. How was Openstack deployed? How was the Swift component deployed? Answering these two questions will impact what tooling you can use to upgrade your packages. It will be split between the Openstack packages and the regular distro packages.
On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 11:17 AM Joshua Crawford < jcrawford@quadrivium.com> wrote:
I have been given the task of updating our openstack/swift setup. Currently, we are on openstack 2.3.1 with python-swiftclient 3.0.0 on Ubuntu 16.04. My plan is to upgrade Ubuntu to 18.04 and then to 20.04. Then focus on updating openstack and swift.
I do not have any previous experience with openstack or swift, but from what I have read so far, our current version is not supported on anything newer than Ubuntu 16.04. Should I revise my plan and look at updating openstack/swift first, or is my plan to update Ubuntu first a good path forward.
Thank you, joshua.
[cid:d105ac7d-e828-4289-8ff1-70d919cdb057.jpg] [cid:Quadrivium-Logo_Horizontal-OneColor- CyberSecurityServices_456360a7-a556-4b83-b682-08dcceeef14a.jpg] Joshua Crawford | Senior Engineer Quadrivium Inc. | 5537 Bleaux Ave. Springdale, AR 72762 479.419.4600 | quadrivium.com<https://quadrivium.com> [cid:cyber-verify-2021-AAA_2ce098a9-58cb-442b-9293-b75ce40d6ff4.jpg]
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