Hey all, I am back to this nova processes/threads configuration. Here is what I have in my apache wsgi config: $ grep WSGIDaemonProcess /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/10-nova-api.conf WSGIDaemonProcess nova-api display-name=nova-api group=nova processes=1 python-home=/opt/openstack/nova python-path=/opt/openstack/nova/ threads=1 user=nova As you can see, I set 1 process, and 1 thread. But here is the result after restarting apache: $ ps -ef | grep nova nova 8535 8527 4 09:10 ? 00:02:15 nova-api -k start $ ps -o pid -o thcount -p8535 PID THCNT 8535 4 So, nova-api is running 4 threads! I am running nova stein. I checked in nova code but I am far from beeing an expert on the subjet, so does anyone can give me a clue on why nova is doing threading, while it should not? Thanks in advance, -- Arnaud Morin On 25.10.19 - 01:15, Thomas Goirand wrote:
On 10/24/19 11:06 AM, Arnaud Morin wrote:
Hey Thomas,
Thank you for your example. If I understand well, you are using 4 processes in the uwsgi config. I dont see any number of thread, does it mean the uwsgi is not spawning threads but only processes? ( so there is only 1 thread per process?)
Hi Arnaud,
If you carefully read the notes for nova, they are saying that we should leave the number of thread to 1, otherwise there may be some eventlet reconnection to rabbit issues.
It's however fine to increase the number of processes.
Thomas Goirand (zigo)