Thanks, these are all very interesting points, particularly the notes on the nature of floating guest cores as this does indeed go some way towards mitigation. I can certainly see that you could quite easily, without intent, make the situation worse if you stopped supporting floating instances and there was some issue with the pinning algorithm that was used. We want to go a step further in terms of mitigation, ideally without turning off SMT and taking that ~20% performance hit, but accept that our methods are specific to our company’s size, services and infrastructure. We’ll endeavour to share any experiences we have that may be useful to the wider community if we do proceed in any sort of implementation around this.


On 10 Jan 2019, at 19:02, Sean Mooney <> wrote:

On Thu, 2019-01-10 at 17:56 +0000, Stephen Finucane wrote:
On Thu, 2019-01-10 at 11:05 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 01/10/2019 10:49 AM, Robert Donovan wrote:
Hello Nova folks,

I spoke to some of you very briefly about this in Berlin (thanks
again for your time), and we were resigned to turning off SMT to
fully protect against future CPU cache side-channel attacks as I
know many others have done. However, we have stubbornly done a bit
of last-resort research and testing into using vCPU pinning on a
per-tenant basis as an alternative and I’d like to lay it out in
more detail for you to make sure there are no legs in the idea
before abandoning it completely.

The idea is to use libvirt’s vcpupin ability to ensure that two
different tenants never share the same physical CPU core, so they
cannot theoretically steal each other’s data via an L1 or L2 cache
side-channel. The pinning would be optimised to make use of as many
logical cores as possible for any given tenant. We would also
isolate other key system processes to a separate range of physical
cores. After discussions in Berlin, we ran some tests with live
migration, as this is key to our maintenance activities and would
be a show-stopped if it didn’t work. We found that removing any
pinning restrictions immediately prior to migration resulted in
them being completely reset on the target host, which could then be
optimised accordingly post-migration. Unfortunately, there would be
a small window of time where we couldn’t prevent tenants from
sharing a physical core on the target host after a migration, but
we think this is an acceptable risk given the nature of these

Obviously, this approach may not be appropriate in many
circumstances, such as if you have many tenants who just run single
VMs with one vCPU, or if over-allocation is in use. We have also
only looked at KVM and libvirt. I would love to know what people
think of this approach however. Are there any other clear issues
that you can think of which we may not have considered? If it seems
like a reasonable idea, is it something that could fit into Nova
and, if so, where in the architecture is the best place for it to
sit? I know you can currently specify per-instance CPU pinning via
flavor parameters, so a similar approach could be taken for this
strategy. Alternatively, we can look at implementing it as an
external plugin of some kind for use by those with a similar setup.

IMHO, if you're going to go through all the hassle of pinning guest vCPU 
threads to distinct logical host processors, you might as well just use 
dedicated CPU resources for everything. As you mention above, you can't 
have overcommit anyway if you're concerned about this problem. Once you 
have a 1.0 cpu_allocation_ratio, you're essentially limiting your CPU 
resources to a dedicated host CPU -> guest CPU situation so you might as 
well just use CPU pinning and deal with all the headaches that brings 
with it.

Indeed. My initial answer to this was "use CPU thread policies"
(specifically, the 'require' policy) to ensure each instance owns its
entire core, thinking you were using dedicated/pinned CPUs. 
the isolate policy should address this.
the require policy would for a even number of cores and a singel numa node.
the require policy does not adress this is you have multiple numa nodes

e.g. a 14 cores spread aross 2 numa nodes with require will have one free
ht sibling on each numa node when pinned unless we hava a check for that i missed.
For shared
CPUs, I'm not sure how we could ever do something like you've proposed
in a manner that would result in less than the ~20% or so performance
degradation I usually see quoted when turning off SMT. Far too much
second guessing of the expected performance requirements of the guest
would be necessary.
for shared cpus the assumtion is that as the guest cores are floating that
your victim and payload vm woudl not remain running on the same core/hypertread
for a protracted period of time. if both are activly using cpu cycles then the
kernel schuler will schduler them to different threads/cores to allow them to
exectue without contention. Note that im not saying there is not a risk but 
tenat aware shcduleing for shared cpus effefctivly mean we woudl have to stop supporting
floating instance entirely and only allow oversubsripton to happen between vms from
the same tenant which is a unlikely to ever happen in a cloud enviorment as 
teant vms typically are not coloated on a single host and second is not desirable in all