Thanks for the answer. I submitted patches to review: but it looks like some problem with python version Can You advice what is wrong here ? On 4/1/21 9:22 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2021-04-01 21:05:32 +0200 (+0200), pregusia wrote:
Please direct your attention to some keystone modyfications - to be more precisly two of them: (1) extension to mapping engine in order to support multiple projects and assigning project by id (2) extension to authorization mechanisms - add JWT token support [...]
This is pretty exciting stuff. But please be aware that for an OpenStack project to merge patches they'll need to be proposed into the code review system (Gerrit) by someone, preferably by the author of the patches, which is the easiest place to discuss them as well. Also we need some way to confirm that the author of the patches has agreed to the Individual Contributor License Agreement (essentially asserting that the patches they propose are their own work or that they have permission from the author or are proposing patches consisting of existing code distributed under a license compatible with the Apache License version 2.0), and the usual way to agree to the ICLA is when creating your account in Gerrit.
Please see the OpenStack Contributor Guide for a general introduction to our code proposal and review workflow:
And feel free to ask questions on this mailing list if you have any.