Hi Pierre, Most of our space at the Shanghai PTG is shared space so we can offer you a designated table in the shared room all day Friday. There will be extra chairs in the room if you need to pull up more chairs to your table. Best, Kendall Kendall Waters OpenStack Marketing & Events kendall@openstack.org
On Oct 1, 2019, at 5:53 AM, Pierre Riteau <pierre@stackhpc.com> wrote:
Hi Kendall,
Friday works for all who have replied so far, but I am still expecting answers from two people.
Is there a room available for our Project Onboarding session that day? Probably in the morning, though I will confirm depending on availability of participants. We've never run one, so I don't know how many people to expect.
Thanks, Pierre
On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 at 23:29, Kendall Waters <kendall@openstack.org> wrote:
Hi Pierre,
Apologies for the oversight on Blazar. Would all day Friday work for your team?
Thanks, Kendall
Kendall Waters OpenStack Marketing & Events kendall@openstack.org
On Sep 30, 2019, at 12:27 PM, Pierre Riteau <pierre@stackhpc.com> wrote:
Hi Kendall,
I couldn't see Blazar anywhere on the schedule. We had requested time for a Project Onboarding session.
Additionally, there are more people travelling than initially planned, so we may want to allocate a half day for technical discussions as well (probably in the shared space, since we don't expect a huge turnout).
Would it be possible to update the schedule accordingly?
Thanks, Pierre
On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 19:02, Kendall Nelson <kennelson11@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone!
Here is an updated schedule: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/z9iLyv8e/pvg-ptg-sched-2
The changes that were made are adding OpenStack QA to be all day Wednesday and shifting StarlingX to start on Wednesday and putting OpenStack Ops on Thursday afternoon.
Please let me know if there are any conflicts!
-Kendall (diablo_rojo)
On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 2:13 PM Kendall Nelson <kennelson11@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone!
In the attached picture or link [0] you will find the proposed schedule for the various tracks at the Shanghai PTG in November.
We did our best to avoid the key conflicts that the track leads (PTLs, SIG leads...) mentioned in their PTG survey responses, although there was no perfect solution that would avoid all conflicts especially when the event is three-ish days long and we have over 40 teams meeting.
If there are critical conflicts we missed or other issues, please let us know, by October 6th at 7:00 UTC!
-Kendall (diablo_rojo)
[0] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/00mZ3Q3M/pvg_ptg_schedule.png