I have created openstack image with the help of Barbican key-manager but it is not coming in active mode from past two days. It is still showing in queue mode only. Since i have searched a lot reagarding the same issue but could not find any solution to fix the same.
Shalini Srivastava
Project Associate /प्रोजेक्ट एसोसिएट
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC) / प्रगत संगणन विकास केन्द्र(सी-डैक)
Tidel Park”, 8th Floor, “D” Block, (North &South) / “टाइडल पार्क”,8वीं मंजिल, “डी” ब्लॉक, (उत्तर और दक्षिण)
No.4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai / नं.4, राजीव गांधी सलाई
Taramani / तारामणि
Chennai / चेन्नई – 600113
Fax No.: 044-22542294