Hi Michal,

We had similar issue in our kolla-ansible deployment. In our case we were not able to attach volume to the VM in 1 from 5 cases and it sometimes caused also inconsistencies in DB tables. We are also running Victoria release with Ceph backend.  We found out that there were many disconnects/reconnects between nova and rabbitmq because of missing heartbeats which happened every 3 minutes. If attachment of volume happened in the time of reconnection, attachment was unsuccessful.  What helped in our case was adding following lines to nova.conf:

heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 0

In your case I would check cinder logs files for messaging errors whether you do not see regular reconnects to rabbitmq. 

Kamil Madac

On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 2:08 PM Michal Arbet <michal.arbet@ultimum.io> wrote:

Cinder is from victoria, backend is ceph, steps to reproduce ? Just delete volume.
I think that it could be an error not in cinder but somehow a rabbitmq issue.


Michal Arbet
Openstack Engineer

Ultimum Technologies a.s.
Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic

+420 604 228 897 

út 7. 6. 2022 v 19:27 odesílatel Sofia Enriquez <senrique@redhat.com> napsal:
Hi Michal,

I do not think we have such a bug on the Launchpad platform.[1]
Could you create a new bug report indicating which backend you are using, which Cinder version you have, and if the error occurs after following some steps?

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 4:28 AM Michal Arbet <michal.arbet@ultimum.io> wrote:

I would like to ask if someone saw issue when volume failed to delete, log below : 
This is happening from time to time.


Michal Arbet
Openstack Engineer

Ultimum Technologies a.s.
Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic

+420 604 228 897 


Sofía Enriquez


Software Engineer

Red Hat PnT

IRC: @enriquetaso

Kamil Madac