On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 8:58 AM <DHilsbos@performair.com> wrote:



As you may or may not know; yesterday morning RedHat announced the end of CentOS as a rebuild distribution[1].  "CentOS" will be retired in favor of the recently announced "CentOS Stream."


Can OpenStack be installed on CentOS Stream?


Since CentOS Stream is currently at 8, the question really is: Can OpenStack Victoria be installed on CentOS Stream 8?  How about Ussuri?

From a TripleO perspective we have tested it in CI and it has worked fairly consistently against master[0]. We will be working to align on Stream in the current release so if you are using RDO + Stream it should work. If it doesn't, it's something we will be addressing. I cannot vouch for the cloud sig version of OpenStack that comes straight from CentOS but that should also work and will likely get any fixes in the near future if required. CentOS 8 support has been available since Ussuri and we've backported support for Train to ensure that folks can upgrade from CentOS 7 to 8 using Train.  CentOS 8 Stream isn't that much different than CentOS 8 classic except it'll likely get newer versions of packaging first but those packages should be backwards compatible.
[0] https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-centos8stream-master


Thank you,


Dominic L. Hilsbos, MBA

Director - Information Technology

Perform Air International Inc.




[1: https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/]



Dominic L. Hilsbos, MBA

Director – Information Technology

Perform Air International, Inc.


300 S. Hamilton Pl.

Gilbert, AZ 85233

Phone: (480) 610-3500

Fax: (480) 610-3501
