Hello I totally agree with Nguyen! I believe, as a new comer into Openstack I have concluded that there is the expectation from the user the to have pre-existing knowledge of the platforms. Additionally, the documentation is all-over and unstructured for someone wanting to learn. TK On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 7:05 AM Bernd Bausch <berndbausch@gmail.com> wrote:
There used to be ask.openstack.org, but since nobody maintained the website, it became unreliable and was eventually disbanded. At the time, we were encouraged to ask questions at superuser.com and, in case it's related to programming, stackoverflow.com. There is also https://www.reddit.com/r/openstack, which is probably less "official" but seems more lively than the two Stackexchange sites.
On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 7:56 AM Nguyễn Hữu Khôi <nguyenhuukhoinw@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello guys.
Openstack is a very interesting project, many questions from users will make it grow more and more but I see that people, including me, still ask the same question. It is hard to sort or find knowledge by this way.
If we hope this project spreads for people, we need a new way to share knowledge and skills, we are in the modern world but the way to access and exchange information in this project is too obsolete. This is a wall to slow down this project. Nguyen Huu Khoi