Hey folks,
I was looking into a way to make both Horizon and Skyline work at the
same time, and found out that I'm not really able to make Skyline to
run in sub-URL.
So for instance the plan was to place Horizon under /horizon (which is
easily doable) and then Skyline under /skyline. However so far I
haven't found any setting or anything that would allow me to do so.
Basically, I've realized that static content is _really_ static, which
means it does have hardcoded URIs:
So either I'm just not realizing the very simple technique which
allows to overcome hardcoded in static files URIs (like some
rewrite?), or just serving Skyline from a subdirectory is not possible
by design...
Would be great if someone could share their experience about Skyline
and if anyone managed to do what I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance